
Who We Are

We are a Christian community that welcomes all people, regardless of age, race, gender, disability, social class, or sexual orientation. We seek to grow, serve, and worship Jesus together.

We feel called to serve God and our neighbors through the church, including our music, education, technology, and food ministries, just to name a few. More importantly, we serve God and our neighbors beyond our walls in the community, including our Second Monday Meal, our backpack food program, our connections with local schools, and the Summer Food Service Program.

At Hillside, we are excited to be part of the United Methodist Church with more than 12 million members around the world. We hold to historic doctrines of the Christian faith. Methodists have always been known for our emphasis on personal faith lived out with concrete actions in our world. We have open hearts, open doors, and open minds for anyone wanting to learn more about following Jesus.

We are also part of the Southwest District of the Indiana Conference, meaning we’re connected to 1,200 other United Methodist Churches in our state. We’re dedicated to supporting the broader church with our gifts and our service.

We hope you discover a dynamic, welcoming place at Hillside where you truly experience the love of Christ and our enthusiasm for sharing that love with our community.

If you would like to learn more about us, please contact us at 812-385-2910 or email us.